COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update From Our President

I wanted to share the additional steps Simple Bath and Simple Kitchen have taken to ensure a safe working environment for our employees and our customers. We are doing everything we can to keep both groups safe given the risks associated with COVID-19. Every employee of Simple Bath and Simple Kitchen is following the protocols set by the Ohio Department of Health.

Additional Safety Precautions

In addition to the protocols set forth above we have instituted the following measures in our showroom, warehouse and job sites:

  • Supply additional protective equipment and supplies (masks, gloves, sanitizing products) to all employees.
  • Daily thorough cleaning of commonly touched surfaces in the showrooms and offices.
  • Temperature checks before arriving at job site (or upon arriving at warehouse) to confirm no fever.
  • No employee exhibiting fever or sickness shall return to work until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours without medication.
  • Any employee living in a household with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will not return to work before completing a 14-day quarantine.

How You Can Help Us Stay Safe

We also need YOUR help to stay safe during this time. Please inform us if anyone in your household has either been diagnosed with active COVID-19 or is self-quarantined awaiting test results. We work very hard to stay on-schedule but the safety of our employees must take precedence and, in this case, we must reschedule any visit until after any applicable quarantine period has passed.

The next months are going to be an unusual time for everyone and we will adjust these protocols as needed to continue to protect the safety of our customers and employees. Should you have any concerns regarding the above please do not hesitate to email me at

Bill McMaster

President, Simple Bath & Simple Kitchen
